Wide Belt Running-1.75" Wide Elephant Gun Belt

Title Default Title Default Title #MWS Options 3461926710 Default Title #MWS Options 378916587 Default Title #MWS Options 544722672

Beltman specializes in making gunbelts that combine toughness with good looks, and elephant hide is not only gorgeous, but is probably pound for pound the toughest hide on earth. Elephant skin in the wild has to protect its owner from a variety of threats from thorns and branches to the sharp fangs of an African lion. What better choice for a long lasting, very attractive belt? 

Rest assured our hides are ONLY purchased from importers who are legally licensed through the CITES treaty (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) and we will never be party to illegally obtained elephant hides.  Wrinkle patterns, texture, and color can vary from hide to hide.

During construction the elephant hide is laminated to bull hide with the internal stiffener included (no charge). The belt is then edged to our very high standards. The end result is a belt that looks great, is extremely tough and abrasion-resistant, and stiff enough to be a world class gunbelt. With the woven polyester stiffener already included, this may be the finest gun belt on the planet!

**  IMPORTANT  **  Many holsters slots are already cut for 1-¾", and some jeans and work pants have loops that can accommodate a 1-¾" wide belt, but many do not, and VERY FEW (if any) dress pants will accommodate a belt this wide and thick.  The potential problem arises where the tip of the belt overlaps itself after the buckle - while many belt loops can easily handle ONE layer of a 1.75" wide by .25" thick belt, they may not be able to accommodate the SECOND layer, where the tip of the belt is tucked (after buckling) into the first belt-loop on your pants.  So please check the loops on your pants carefully to make sure this belt will work for you. 

All belts come with 7 holes on 3/4" centers for maximum adjustability.

Don't order your pants-waist size!  Please carefully follow our  before ordering your belt.